Sunset in Paris
Sunset in Amsterdam
Sunset in Los Angeles
Sunset in Reykjavik
Ave Maria, for SATB Choir
Ave Maria, for SSAA Choir
Ave Maria, for TTBB Choir
Ninna nanna for Soprano and Mixed Choir (from J. Brahms)

Inno al Friuli, SATB Choir and Orchestra
Inno al Friuli, SATB Choir and piano
L' Amore è una Rosa SATB
@Musiche d' inCanto Edizioni 2023

Messe Eucaristiche for Mixed Choir, Assembly and Organ - Filologica Friulana Edizioni
L' Amor che move il Sole - TTBB, Cello,Tubular Bells, Piano;
Se la Lune - 2 Children Voices and Piano;
Rapsodia d' inCanto - SATB
@Musiche d 'inCanto Edizioni VOL. 2022

Missa Solemnis "In Gloria Dei" for Choir, Organ and Orchestra
Missa Solemnis "In Gloria Dei", reduction for Choir, Brass and Organ
Timeless for Choir, Piano and Strings (or Quartet)
Ecce Sacerdos Magnus (SATB)
Sparrow, Delight of my Girl (SATB Div)
Lei fu Amore (SATB & Piano)
Se Fos Normal (SATB)
Invocation to Venus (SATB div)
Ave Maria (SATB)
Salve Regina (SATB)
Views of Fagagna for Symphonic Wind Orchestra
Fanfare for Peace for Concert Band
Fanfare for Freedom for Concert Band
Notes for the Peace in the World for Concert Band
Meditation for Cello and Orchestra
New York for Orchestra (And Optional Choir)
Notes for Heaven for Orchestra
Sunsets for Violin, Cello and Piano (also Piano solo)
Sunsets 2 for Violin, Cello and Piano (also Piano solo)
Passion for Violin, Cello and Piano (also Piano solo)
SensationS for Violin, Cello and Piano (also Piano solo)
The Magic of Christmas for Children Choir, Piano and Instruments
Amsterdam for Orchestra
Michigan for Orchestra
Godthab for Quintet or String Orchestra
Is It Love for Singer, Choir and Orchestra
Your Eyes (TTBB)
Your Eyes (SSAA)
Missa Solemnis "In Gloria Dei" for Choir, Wind Orchestra and Organ
Il Mare (the Sea) for Youth Violins Orchestra
- Par une Frute, SATB & Piano: @ Musiche d' inCanto Edizioni VOL 2021

Ave Regina Caelorum SATB
Amor è uno Desio SATB
- Alleluia, for 2 Solos and SATB div. Choir - Alliance Music Publications
- Your Eyes, for Mixed Choir, dedicated to Youth Choir of FVG - USCIFVG Edizioni

O Quam Gloriosum: 8 Masses for Voices, Instruments and Organ
Messa Semplice "Don Bosco" , SATB, org, clarinet ad libitum;
Messa Semplice "Giovanni Paolo II", SATB, org, oboe and cello ad libitum;
Messa Semplice "San Francesco d'Assisi", SATB, org, violin ad libitum;
Messa Semplice "Santa Chiara", SATB, org, flute ad libitum;
Messe Furlane "Sante Sabide", SATB, org, violin ad libitum;
Missa "Angelorum Cantus", SA, org, oboe or violin ad libitum;
Missa " Sanctissimae Trinitati", TTBB, org, clarinet ad libitum;
Missa Simplex Brevisque "SS. App. Petrus et Paulus", SATB, org, oboe ad libitum
@Musiche d'InCanto Edizioni VOL 2018

Petali Musicali: Choral Compositions a Cappella or with Instruments.
Addio, Padre e Madre Addio SAB e pf;
Ai Preat la Biele Stele SAB e pf;
Quant che 'o Cjali SAB e pf;
Io confido in te SATB e pf or SATB, Oboe e org;
Benedet il Leamp for Children Choir, Cello e pf;
Gioia e Amore SATB, Cello e pf;
Il porto Sepolto SAB e pf;
La Madre SAA e pf;
Oh mio Dio, Glorioso Dio SAB e pf, or SAA e pf;
In one Salutation to Thee SATB Div;
Lusignutis SATB;
Mamola SATB or TTBB;
Mamolusse SATB;
Preljubi Svet Lienart SATB;
Sisilute SATB;
Uik, uik, bradovik SATB;
@Musiche d' inCanto Edizioni VOL 2018

- 10 Villotte Friulane, elaborated for Choir, Organ and Orchestra: @Musiche d' inCanto Edizioni VOL 2015 and VOL 2012

5 Sacred Pieces for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Mixed Choir and Organ
- Ave Maria,
- Padre Nostro,
- Oh Angelo Mio,
- Oh Bambin Mio Divin,
- Signor sei la Mia Luce:
@Musiche d'inCanto Edizioni VOL 2012

- Missa Solemnis "In Gloria Dei", liturgical version for Choir and Organ: @Musiche d'inCanto Edizioni VOL 2014